Thursday, November 12, 2009

Today I had a desk critique with my professor to get some help with the floor plan I designed. I am trying to design diagrams that show that our idea of a prefabricated core is viable and will work on the site we have chosen as well as other sites in the future. By creating these prefab. cores we can save on construction time and also utilize volunteer work. When construction begins on the house it will be cold and often raining and by fabricating certain cores, partitions, truss, etc. off site during the week we can have them built and available when the volunteers arrive which will typically be on Saturdays. So all week long we can be constructing these pieces at a fab. shop and have them ready to ship to the site to be assembled. Mr. Stevens gave me some good ideas on how I can integrate the movable partitions into the plan that will maximize space and possibly allow for an extra bedroom to accommodate the clients daughter who may or may not be spending time at the home at any given time. Tonight I will be sketching more schematic diagrams incorporating the ICA and the movable partitions at a specific scale so we can begin to get a clear picture of the dimensions that we will need for the core and not go over the square footage parameters. I am also currently taking a steel sculpture class, so this idea of being able to assemble these components off-site and stored away until ready to install makes more and more sense.

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