Friday, November 6, 2009

Book Revisions & more Diagrams

We've been busy non-stop this quarter.
Our meeting with the Habitat board
members went well. They seemed
interested in our ideas and like the idea of having a prefabricated core as well as flexible partitions, thus allowing the family to arrange spaces according to their specific needs at the time. I think they were a little nervous about having modular parts of a home being built off site, but Ward had a great precedent where Habitat for Humanity actually did something very similar some years back. I think that helped to ease them into the rest of the presentation. Jordan and Ward both spoke well and the information was clear. Last night I began revising certain parts of our presentation booklet. Each of us is working on different sections of the book that need revisions or additions. Last night I set up the core precedents page and we are in the process of scanning the rest of our and drawn diagrams to also insert into the book. This quarter seems to be going by so fast, possibly because I haven't had a chance to slow down yet....I think that's a good thing though.

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