Sunday, November 1, 2009

Schematic Design

Over the weekend our group has been rolling through trace paper creating schematic designs that incorporate modular systems, flexible partitions, and prefabricated cores. It's a nice change to be in the studio and see the most of the group here at the same time. We have been pinning up each of our diagrams and then discussing them and then going right back to the drawing board. We need to have diagrams that are clear and easy to read for our presentation on Tuesday. I think the group as a whole is on the same page and being here at the same time makes it much easier to discuss our ideas.

We plan on meeting again tomorrow to take another look at all of our diagrams and clean them up before our presentation. I have been compiling two folders full of images of homes that have used prefabricated systems in the past as well as movable walls or even walls that are used for storage for not only household items, but even fold out beds or kitchen tables. The possibilities are endless....I guess that is what makes this project so exciting.

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