Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Final presentation for the quarter

Today our Jordan and Ward presented to the fourth year design/build studio students to bring them up to speed on the project and give them and idea what they are up against for the next two quarters. We also met with the Habitat for Humanity board at the Lincoln Parish Library to give them our final presentation for this quarter. I was not even speaking and was still a little nervous. I think the presentation went well and our proposed site was approved as well as our official clients we will be building the home for. Tonight we met with our group in the studio to discuss our overall process booklet, which has to be turned in Thursday by 3:30PM. Tonight we are all working on updating the information and will begin printing the five sections and binding them tomorrow. I also have my sculpture project to finish and we have to present our two projects in front of our classmates and a formal critique. After Thursday my break officially starts...

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