Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pier and Beam Foundation

For the past week my group and me have been working on getting the plan and section details for the pier and beam foundation together. Today Jordan and me went to the site and located where our water and sewer line would tap into the city's connection. We also went to the City of Ruston zoning office and met with Mark Joiner, who is in charge of permits. We showed him the foundation plan as well as the details for the piers and footing and said that they would work, but we need an engineer to sign off on them. Tomorrow we are submitting all of the permit set drawings for review. Once everything is checked over and we have a stamp of approval from an engineer it should only be about two to three days until the drawings are approved and the permits are issued. I'm looking forward to actually getting onto the site and working. I have also been researching possible exterior materials. There is still a huge amount of design work that needs to come together for the interior and exterior of the project to actually bring it to life. It has been an intense week and I don't see the process slowing down anytime soon. We also spoke to Mrs. Archie while at the site and showed her the floor plan and did our best to show here where exactly things would be on the site. It's great to have a client who is as excited as we are about the project.

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