Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Finalizing the L-shape configuration

Our new group of six met last night for several hours working on the L-shape floor plans. We have narrowed it down to three plans that we think will work. My first model and sketches had some flaws with creating an exterior space as well as the placement of the full and half bath areas. The plans we created last night hopefully resolve those issues. Here within the next thirty minuets we plan on meeting with our professor to get some guidance. Once we get a plan that works 100% and incorporates all of our ideas we will build a 3D model as well and a physical model. From there we will draft some sections and elevations to have ready for tomorrow. Tonight will most likely be a late night. We need to have everything ready for tomorrow to be presented that looks professional and clearly explains the plans and interior and exterior materials we are wanting to use.

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